Tuesday, April 28, 2009


A little update about what happn today. ummm actually, nothing much happen anyway. it just regular day that always happen like any other day. i just reach home at about 12.15am just now. felt soo tired and i got big headache...ouchhhhhhh!!..i manage to relesed the pain by swallow 2 tablet of panadol. Today we got a new restaurant manager. Wonder how long it will be last, cause as long as i can remember ive been working with soo many manager that come and go within 3 years. As for me i looking forward to work with him eventough he dint show a good first impression to me( well who the hell am i to say that?)))hahah.

Monday, April 27, 2009

selamat pagi semua..aku bangun awal pagi ni. kunun kunun mau pi joging lah tapi awan gelap betul di luar. so aku just makan sarapan sama kucing aku si lulu. keith masih membuta di biliknya. habis tu aku betul betul rasa mau pi joging. aku keluar tengok keadaan. hujan ndak jadi so aku pakai aku punya baju joging dan lari around the block. bayak nenek nenek sama datuk datuk buat tai chi di luar. nampaknya aku jak yang orang muda lari macam orang gila di sana..gila mengakali. selepas satu round aku putuskan untuk pulang rumah. penat siaaaaa. sampai rumah terus mandi dan makan lagi( telugung kan, habis lari makan lagi) lulu pun ikut sma aku makan(gemok lah kau lulu..habis lah kau). Dalam masa yang sama aku pun check check aku punya email, muka buku, apa apa lah. then aku dicided untuk buat movie trough my window vista movie maker. macam apa jak kan. tapi ini lah hasil nya. gambar gambar aku meyundal ssma kawan kawan aku di st james power house station..ok lah , mau sambung tidur ni. my shift today. 3pm till 11pm. malas mau layan hantu hantu di sana tu..CAPEK DEHHHHHHHHHHH...

Saturday, April 25, 2009

a bright sunday....

good morning to everyone,

well, this is the first entry for my bolg. i dint have much to tell for now, it just a bringt sunday outside and i have a lot of thing to do today. I hope the good weather will last till afternoon.

cheers everyone